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Foto bambini dopo attacco Napalm

Foto bambini dopo attacco napalm
Foto bambini dopo attacco Napalm
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bambini dopo attacco Napalm - Immagini per uso scolastico ed educativo

Categoria: Foto La guerra del Vietnam > bambini dopo attacco Napalm

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Image information

This photo was taken on June 8, 1972, in the village of Trang Bang.<br>The little girl in the image is Phan Thi Kim Phuc.<br>Phan Kim Phuc, 9 years old then, was running -- after stripping off her burning clothes -- from the napalm bomb attack on her village. <br>The photographer, Nick Ut, won a Pulitzer Prize for this image.<br>It was Ut who took Kim Phuc and the other children to the hospital.<br>Kim

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